- absolute ventilation efficiency
- AC pressurization technique
- accessibility (as applied to equipment)
- accessories of distribution
- acoustic and/or thermal insulation
- acoustic environment
- acoustic technique
- adaptation (perceived air quality)
- adapted person (occupant)
- adventitious opening (also known as unintentional opening & fortuitous leakage)
- air barrier
- air change
- air change effectiveness
- air change efficiency
- air change rate
- air change time
- air channel
- air channel
- air cleaning
- air conditioner
- air conditioner, closed control
- air conditioner, control cabinet
- air conditioner, single-duct
- air conditioning
- air conditioning installation
- air conditioning system
- air curtain
- air diffuser
- air diffuser, adjustable flow rate
- air diffuser, adjustable pattern
- air diffusing ceiling
- air diffusion
- air diffusion, displacement
- air diffusion, mixing
- air distribution
- air duct
- air exchange rate
- air extraction cooker hood
- air flow
- air flow rate
- air flow rate controller
- air flow rate, mass
- air flow rate, primary
- air flow rate, supply
- air flow rate, total
- air flow rate, volume
- air flow sensitivity
- air handling unit (AHU)
- air handling unit, heat loss
- air handling unit, openings of an
- air handling unit, recirculation
- air handling unit, recoverable AHU heat loss
- air handling unit, required AHU cooling coil output
- air handling unit, required AHU heating coil input
- air handling unit, section
- air handling unit, total pressure difference over the
- air heating and cooling coils
- air heating/cooling
- air infiltration
- air inlet
- air leakage
- air leakage characteristic
- air leakage factor
- air leakage rate
- air leakage rate, internal
- air outlet
- air pollutant
- air pollution
- air pollution, indoor
- air pressure
- air quality
- air quality, acceptable
- air quality, acceptable indoor
- air quality, acceptable perceived indoor
- air quality, indoor
- air recirculating cooker hood
- air speed
- air supply free cooling
- air terminal device (ATD)
- air terminal device, extract
- air terminal device, window mounted
- air terminal unit (ATU)
- air terminal unit assembly
- air terminal unit with integral air terminal device:
- air transfer device
- air transfer device, externally mounted
- air treatment
- air turning vane
- air type
- air vapour barrier
- air velocity
- air velocity, relative
- air velocity, room
- air vent
- air volume flow, declared maximum
- air volume flow, declared minimum
- air volume flow, maximum
- air volume flow, maximum at zero pressure
- air volume flow, reference
- air-cleaning system
- air, ambient
- air, exfiltration
- air, exhaust
- air, extract
- air, indoor
- air, indoor
- air, induced
- air, infiltration
- air, leakage
- air, makeup
- air, mixed
- air, outdoor
- air, outdoor, air fraction
- air, outdoor, correction factor
- air, primary
- air, recirculated
- air, recirculation
- air, recycled
- air, return
- air, secondary
- air, single room exhaust
- air, single room extract
- air, single room outdoor
- air, single room supply
- air, standard
- air, stratified
- air, supply
- air, supply required moisture content
- air, transfer
- air, transferred
- air, ventilation
- airing
- airtightness
- airtightness class A, B, C and D (of a duct)
- airtightness standard
- airtightness, indoor/outdoor
- ambient temperature
- ambient temperature (see temperature, ambient)
- annual exposure
- apartment
- atrium
- attic
- authority having jurisdiction (AHJ)
- automatically controlled air terminal devices
- axial flow fan
- backdraughting
- backdraughting
- background leakage
- background pollutants
- baffle
- bag sampling method
- balanced fan pressurization
- balanced system
- balanced ventilation
- balancing
- basement
- bend or elbow
- bifurcated fan
- biological contaminant (biocontaminant)
- blow-through unit
- blower door
- body odour
- branch
- breathing zone
- brine
- building envelope
- building envelope airtightness
- building height
- building performance
- building readiness plan (BRP)
- building related illness (BRI)
- building, energy performance
- building, low-polluting
- building, non low-polluting
- building, very low-polluting
- bulging, caving of a duct or enclosure(s)
- bungalow
- bypass factor
- bypass leakage
- calibration
- capacity, rated
- casing
- casing of an air handling unit
- caulking
- caving
- cavity barrier
- cavity wall
- cellar
- centrifugal fan
- chiller
- chiller, comfort
- circulating fan
- clean room
- clearance (for ductwork connection)
- cleat
- clo-unit
- close control air conditioner
- coefficient of air change performance
- coefficient of performance (COP)
- coefficient of performance, rated
- cognizant authority
- collar
- collector chamber
- combined section of an air handling unit
- comfort air conditioner or heat pump
- comfort condition
- comfort zone
- commercial building
- component
- component leakage
- component of an air handling unit
- component of ventilation or air conditioning
- components of air diffusion
- components of air distribution
- concentration
- condensation
- conditioned space
- conduction
- connector
- conservation of energy (also known as energy conservation principle)
- constant concentration
- constant flow/emission
- contaminant
- contaminant mixture
- contra rotating fan
- control cabinet air conditioner
- control device (air terminal unit)
- control system
- convection
- cooker hood (range hood)
- cooled area
- cooler
- cooling
- cooling capacity
- cooling coil
- cooling coil, required inlet temperature
- cooling load
- cooling season
- core area of a sand trap louvre
- core area of an air terminal device
- cowl
- cowl, assisted
- crack length
- crack/crackage
- crawlspace
- criteria
- cross contamination (of air or masses)
- cross-sectional area of a duct
- cross-ventilation
- damper (or valve)
- damper control (of a fan)
- damper section
- DC pressurization
- decay method (tracer gas)
- declared maximum air volume flow
- declared total pressure difference
- deflection of a duct
- deflection of a joint
- defrost mode
- defrost period
- defrosting heat ratio
- degree day
- dehumidification
- demand controlled ventilation (DCV)
- depressurization
- design documents
- design nominal air flow condition
- design pressure difference of an air handling unit
- design ventilation airflow rate
- deviation
- dewpoint (temperature)
- diffusion of air
- dilution index (DI)
- direct fired air heater
- discharge coefficient
- discharge coefficient, louvre
- displacement air diffusion
- displacement air diffusion, distance to the v (m/s) isovel
- displacement air diffusion, height of the v (m/s) isovel
- displacement air diffusion, width of the v (m/s) isovel
- displacement flow
- distance to the v (m/s) isovel (for displacement air diffusion)
- diverting element
- door and inspection panel
- double-duct air conditioner
- downdraft
- drain cock
- drain plug or cock
- draught
- draught proofing
- draught risk rating
- drop (of an air jet in mixing air diffusion)
- dry bulb temperature
- dry motor pump
- dual duct unit
- duct board
- duct connection component
- duct fitting
- duct heat loss
- duct heat loss, recoverable
- duct leakage air volume flow rate extracted from, ventilation zone i
- duct leakage air volume flow rate going to, ventilation zone i
- duct leakage volume flow from the zone, mean
- duct leakage volume flow to the zone, mean
- duct sealing
- duct support
- duct support spacing
- duct transformation
- ducted fan
- ductwork components
- dwelling (unit)
- dwelling leakage
- effective annual average infiltration rate
- effective area
- effective area of an air terminal device
- effective length of a duct
- effective length of a fitting
- effective power input
- electrical power input
- electrical power input at the reference air volume flow
- electrical power input, maximum
- element of distribution
- emission (building environment design)
- emission factor
- emission rate
- enclosure
- energy balance
- energy conservation
- energy efficiency
- energy efficiency ratio (EER)
- energy recovery ventilation system
- entry loss coefficient of a louvre
- environmental chamber
- environmental control
- environmental temperature
- environmental tobacco smoke (ETS)
- environmental tobacco smoke (ETS):
- equipment well
- equivalent area or effective area
- equivalent diameter of a straight rectangular parallel duct
- Equivalent Leakage Area (ELA)
- equivalent outdoor air for infection control (EOAi)
- ergonomics (human factor)
- ETS area
- ETS-free area
- exfiltration
- exhaust air
- Exhaust Air Transfer Ratio (EATR)
- exhaust flow, net
- exhaust installation
- exhaust system
- exhaust ventilation installation package
- external fan pressure difference
- external fan pressurization
- external leakage
- external static pressure difference
- External windows, doors and radiators
- external work
- externally mounted air transfer device
- extract air
- extract air terminal device
- extract temperature differential
- extract ventilation
- fabric leakage
- fan
- fan assisted balanced ventilation
- fan assisted exhaust ventilation
- fan assisted induction terminal unit
- fan assisted induction terminal unit with constant flow rate
- fan assisted induction terminal unit with variable flow rate
- fan assisted supply air ventilation
- fan control methods variable speed control
- fan dynamic pressure
- fan functions
- fan inlet
- fan installation types
- fan outlet
- fan pressure
- fan section
- fan static pressure f
- fan types
- fan unit
- fan work per unit mass
- fan, mixing
- female connector
- filter
- filter bypass leakage
- filter section
- filter, average efficiency
- filtration
- final pressure drop of a filter
- fine filter
- fire and smoke damper
- fire damper
- fixed air terminal device
- fixed directional grille
- fixed non-directional grille
- fixing accessory for an air terminal device
- flange
- flash chamber
- flashlight test
- flat
- flexible duct
- floor temperature dissatisfaction risk
- flow
- flow Coefficient (C)
- flow equaliser
- flow equation
- flow exponent (n)
- flow network
- flow path
- flow rate control device
- flow rate controller
- flow rate pressure characteristic
- flue
- forced convection
- fortuitous leakage
- free area
- free area of an air terminal device
- free area ratio
- free area velocity
- free convection
- fresh air
- fully adjustable air diffuser
- functional check
- functional measurement
- habitable space
- handing over the installation
- heat balance
- heat exchanger
- heat exchanger, Air-to-Air
- heat exchanger, indoor
- heat pump combination heater
- heat pump water heater
- heat pump, (electrical)
- heat pump, Air-to-Air
- heat pump, Air-to-Water
- heat recovery
- heat recovery capacity
- heat recovery effectiveness (often referred to as heat recovery efficiency)
- heat recovery heat exchanger
- heat recovery liquid chilling package
- heat recovery section
- heat rejection capacity
- heat removal luminaire
- heat transfer medium
- heat transferred by ground preheating/cooling
- heat transferred by heat recovery
- heat transferred by preheating/precooling
- heat transferred by recirculation
- heating
- heating capacity
- heating coil
- heating coil, required inlet temperature
- heating load
- heating load, internal
- heating season
- height of the v (m/s) isovel (for displacement air diffusion)
- HEPA-filter
- high temperature process chiller
- high-polluting events
- hit and miss damper or valve
- humidification
- humidification auxiliary energy
- humidification efficiency
- humidification generation input
- humidifier section
- humidifier section of an air handling unit
- humidity ratio (two flows ventilation unit)
- humidity, absolute (air)
- humidity, relative
- HVAC system
- hybrid ventilation
- hydraulic diameter
- hydronic heating/cooling
- hygrometer
- impeller tip diameter (of a fan)
- imperfect mixing
- indoor air
- indoor air pollution
- indoor air quality
- indoor climate
- indoor environment
- induced air
- induced air temperature
- induction rate (of an AirTerminal Device)
- induction supply air terminal device
- induction terminal unit (excluding fan-powered terminal unit)
- industrial building
- industrial space
- infection risk management mode (IRMM)
- infiltration
- infiltration heat loss/or gains
- infiltration rate
- Informative Note: A ventilation zone is not necessarily an independent thermal control zone; however, spaces that can be combined for load calculation purposes can often be combined into a single zone for ventilation calculations purposes.
- infrared gas analyser
- insertion length
- insertion loss of a weather louvre
- inspection panel
- institutional building
- insulation of clothing
- intentional opening
- intentional ventilation
- intermittent mechanical ventilation
- intermittent ventilation
- internal air leakage rate
- internal fan pressurization
- internal heating load
- internal pressure
- internal pressure distribution
- internal static pressure difference
- internally induced air flow rate (air terminal device)
- internally mounted air transfer device
- interzonal air flow
- iris damper and valve
- isovel
- laminar flow
- large opening
- latent cooling capacity
- latent heat transfer
- leakage area
- leakage area, equivalent
- leakage area, normalized
- leakage area, specific
- leakage component
- leakage distribution
- leakage path
- leakage, adventitious
- leakage, air
- leakage, background
- Leakage, bypass
- leakage, dwelling
- leakage, external
- leakage, fabric
- leakage, fortuitous
- leakage, internal
- leakage, of an installation
- linear air diffuser
- linear grille
- liquid chilling package
- local air change index
- local air velocity
- local exhaust
- Local Mean Age of air
- local mean air velocity
- local measured mean air velocity
- loft
- long-range transmission
- louvre
- low temperature process chiller
- low velocity air terminal device
- lower limit (of a duct)
- make up air
- male connector
- manometer
- manual damper
- manual valve
- manually adjusted air terminal device
- mass flow rate
- mean duct leakage volume flow from the zone
- mean duct leakage volume flow to the zone
- mean measured air temperature of the occupied zone
- mean radiant temperature
- measurement station
- mechanical constant flow rate controller
- mechanical cooling
- mechanical extract ventilation system
- mechanical supply ventilation system
- mechanical variable flow rate controller
- mechanical ventilation
- mechanical ventilation system
- medium temperature process chiller
- met-unit
- metabolic rate
- microbial contaminant
- microorganism
- mildew
- minimum ventilation requirement
- mixed air
- mixing air diffusion
- mixing fan
- mixing section of an air handling unit
- mixing section of an air terminal unit
- modular heat recovery multisplit system
- mould
- multifunctional balanced ventilation unit
- multiple leaf damper or valve
- multiple tracer gas technique
- multisplit system
- multizone
- natural ventilation
- negative rated operating pressure
- net occupiable area
- network technique
- neutral pressure level
- nominal length of a flexible duct
- nominal length of a rigid duct
- nominal size of an air terminal device
- nominal size of duct and fitting
- Nominal Time Constant
- non return damper
- non reverse flow ability
- non-ducted ventilation units
- nontransient
- normalized leakage area
- nozzle
- occupancy
- occupancy density
- occupant behaviour
- occupant sensor:
- occupational exposure limit (OEL) (occupational exposure standard value)
- occupational exposure time-weighted average values (ES-TWA)
- occupiable space
- occupied hours
- occupied mode
- occupied zone
- occupied-standby mode
- odour
- odour dispersion time
- odour reduction factor
- off mode
- openings of an air handling unit
- operating cycle with defrost
- operating range
- operative temperature
- optimum operative temperature
- outdoor air
- outdoor air correction factor
- outdoor air fraction
- outdoor air intake
- outdoor heat exchanger
- outdoor temperature, daily mean
- outdoor temperature, running mean
- overall heat transfer coefficient
- overlap length
- overpressure
- packaged unit
- parameter (in air pollution)
- particle number concentration
- particulate matter
- particulate tracer
- partition fan
- passive adsorption
- passive duct ventilation system
- passive sampling
- passive smoker
- penetration through filter
- perceived air quality (PAQ)
- perfect mixing
- perforated plate
- permissible range
- piston flow
- plane radiant temperature
- plaster frame
- plate mounted axial flow fan
- plenum box
- plenum chamber
- plug flow
- pollutant
- pollutant concentration
- pollutant migration
- pollutant removal effectiveness
- pollutants, background
- pollutants, specific
- pollution
- pollution source
- positive rated operating pressure
- post-occupancy evaluation
- power input, rated
- power input, total
- predicted Mean Vote (PMV)
- predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD)
- pressure (air)
- pressure at maximum air volume flow
- pressure attenuation technique
- pressure boundary
- pressure coefficient
- pressure difference
- pressure difference, available external static
- pressure difference, external fan
- pressure difference, external static
- pressure difference, internal static
- pressure differential
- pressure distribution, surface
- pressure distribution. internal
- pressure drop
- pressure drop, design load condition PSFPd
- pressure drop, reference conditions PSFP
- pressure drop, reference load condition for air handling units
- pressure factor
- pressure limit of watertightness
- pressure limit of watertightness of an air terminal device
- pressure loss
- pressure loss coefficient
- pressure, dynamic
- pressure, stack
- pressure, stagnation
- pressure, static
- pressure, static gauge
- pressure, total gauge
- pressure, total, absolute total (stagnation pressure)
- pressure, unit
- pressure, unit static
- pressurization
- pressurization, AC technique
- pressurization, balanced fan
- pressurization, DC technique
- pressurization, external fan
- pressurization, internal fan
- primary air flow rate
- primary air temperature
- process chiller
- process chiller, medium temperature
- propeller fan
- public building
- purpose provided opening
- radiation
- radon
- rain louvre (commonly called weather louvre)
- rand rejection efficiency of a sand trap louvre
- range hood
- rated capacity
- rated coefficient of performance
- rated energy efficiency ratio
- rated power input
- rating conditions
- readily accessible
- recirculated air
- recirculation air
- recirculation air handling unit
- recoverable AHU heat loss
- recoverable duct heat loss
- recycled air
- reductive sealing method
- reference air temperature of a room with displacement ventilation
- reference fresh air volume flow
- reference pressure
- reference wind speed at site
- relative humidity
- relative ventilation efficiency
- required AHU cooling coil output
- required AHU heating coil input
- required cooling coil inlet temperature
- required heating coil inlet temperature
- required supply air moisture content
- requirement (in air pollution)
- residential building
- residential occupancies
- respirable particle
- retrofit
- reverse cycle unit
- reversible axial flow fan
- rise (of an air jet in mixing air diffusion)
- roof outlet
- roofspace
- room air velocity
- room conditioning system
- room mean age
- room temperature
- sand trap louvre
- saturation pressure of vapour
- secondary air
- secret (or concealed fixing)
- section of air handling unit
- sensible cooling capacity
- sensible heat ratio (SHR)
- sensible heat transfer
- sensor
- sensory pollution load
- set point
- shaft ventilation
- shaft-type buildings
- shelter belt
- shielding
- shielding coefficient
- shielding of a dwelling
- short circuit of air external
- short circuit of air internal
- sick building syndrome (SBS)
- single duct unit
- single leaf damper or valve
- single split unit
- single tracer gas technique
- single zone
- single-duct air conditioner
- single-sided ventilation
- sink (in air pollution)
- size designation of a fan
- sleeping unit
- slide damper or valve
- slip joint
- smoke damper
- smoke visualization
- sound attenuating section
- sound attenuator
- sound reduction (attenuation)
- source (in air pollution)
- source control (source management)
- specific fan power
- specific flow (a)
- specific leakage area
- specific pollutants
- spread (of an air jet in mixing air diffusion)
- stack
- stack effect
- stack pressure
- stagnation pressure
- standard air
- standard rating conditions
- standby mode
- stiffener
- storey-type buildings
- straight duct component
- straight duct surface area
- straightening element
- stratified air
- supply air
- supply air flow rate
- supply air terminal device
- supply system
- supply temperature differential
- supply ventilation
- supply ventilation installation package
- surface pressure distribution
- system (HVAC context)
- system capacity ratio
- system powered flow rate controller
- temperature
- temperature difference, vertical air
- temperature differential within the occupied zone
- temperature differential, extract
- temperature differential, supply
- temperature gradient risk
- temperature of saturated liquid
- temperature of the liquid refrigerant
- temperature ratio
- temperature, ambient
- temperature, asymmetry, radiant
- temperature, dewpoint
- temperature, dry bulb
- temperature, environmental
- temperature, induced air
- temperature, mean measured air temperature of the occupied zone
- temperature, mean radiant
- temperature, operative
- temperature, optimum operative
- temperature, plane radiant
- temperature, primary air
- temperature, primary air temperature difference
- temperature, reference air temperature of a room
- temperature, reference air temperature of a room with displacement ventilation
- temperature, room
- temperature, total air
- temperature, wet bulb
- terrain roughness
- test pressure
- testing chamber (Also known as Environmental Chamber)
- theoretical air flow rate of a louvre
- thermal bridging factor (of an air handling unit)
- thermal comfort
- thermal environment
- thermal insulation
- thermal radiation
- thermal sensation
- thermal stratification
- thermal transmittance ("U"-Value)
- thermography
- thermometer
- threshold Limit Value (TLV)
- throttling
- throw (of an air jet in mixing air diffusion)
- time average airflow rate
- time constant
- toilet
- tolerance
- total air flow rate
- total air temperature
- total organic vapours (total volatile organic compounds) (TVOC)
- total power input
- total pressure difference over the air handling unit
- tracer gas
- tracer gas analyser
- tracer gas technique
- tracer gas technique, constant concentration
- tracer gas technique, constant flow/emission
- tracer gas technique, decay
- tracer gas technique, multiple
- tracer gas technique, single
- transfer index method
- transfer ratio (Rs)
- transferred air
- transformation (fitting)
- transition flow
- treated space
- troffer luminaire air terminal device
- turbulence intensity
- turbulent flow
- vane control (of a fan)
- vane ratio (of a grille)
- vapour barrier
- vapour barrier (duct)
- variable air volume (VAV)
- variable blade pitch control (of a fan)
- variable speed control (of a fan)
- velocity profile (for a room)
- velocity, relative air
- vent
- ventilation
- ventilation air
- ventilation auxiliary energy
- ventilation effectiveness
- ventilation effectiveness concentration
- ventilation efficiency
- ventilation efficiency, absolute
- ventilation efficiency, relative
- ventilation flow rate
- ventilation heat Loss/or gains
- ventilation installation
- ventilation installation package (for a single dwelling)
- ventilation installation package, supply
- ventilation or air conditioning system
- ventilation rate
- ventilation requirement, minimum
- ventilation strategy
- ventilation system
- ventilation system, (mechanical) balanced supply/extract
- ventilation system, mechanical
- ventilation system, mechanical extract
- ventilation system, mechanical supply
- ventilation system, passive duct
- ventilation unit
- ventilation units, non-ducted
- ventilation zone
- ventilation, balanced
- ventilation, cross
- ventilation, extract
- ventilation, hybrid
- ventilation, mechanical
- ventilation, natural
- ventilation, purpose provided
- ventilation, shaft
- ventilation, single-sided
- ventilation, supply
- vibration reduction device
- viscous flow
- vitiated air
- volume flow rate
- volume, space
- vortex