[AIVC, Air infiltration and ventilation glossary, 1992]:air removed from a space and not reused therein.[ASHRAE Standard 62.1]:air removed from a space and discharged to outside the building by means of mechanical or natural ventilation systems.[ASHRAE Standard 62.2]:air discharged from any space to the outside by an exhaust system.[EN 16798-3:2017, 7]:airflow leaving the extract air treatment system and discharged to the atmosphere. (EHA; colour Brown[EN 14511-1:2022, 3.16]:  (referred to air conditioner)air from the air conditioned space entering the outdoor heat exchanger.[EN 12792-2003, 139]:air flow discharged to the atmosphere. (coded brown)[ISO 16814:2008, 3.16]air, other than recirculated air, removed from an enclosure and discharged to the atmosphere.